Kids Intermurials

The best part about elementary school is recess. No doubt about it. You try your hardest in class to learn everything the teacher is telling you and you're always on your best behaviour, all because you don't want to be given detention instead of that wonderful break in the day. Just as much as you look forward to hanging out on the jungle gym and going down the slide, playing intramural sports is just as much fun. Even kids who don't follow professional sports or aren't very athletic can still enjoy participating in sports. Whether they are playing to spend less time inside their homes where they're expected to do homework, or just because they like being with their friends, there are many reasons why kids enjoy playing intramural sports. This section of the site will be all about kids intramural sports.

Some kids are brought up in a world where sports is everything, and they would rather do chores for a month than miss a single day of hockey school. But those kids whose parents can't afford to pay the money for equipment, let alone lessons, still have the opportunity to play sports because of the intramural sports that schools offer. Most intramural sports take place during the school's lunch breaks, as it gives the kids a longer timeframe to play. Other times, the sporting events take place after school. But no matter when the games are played, they are some of the most fun moments of any kid's childhood.

Some of the sports that are played during intramural's vary from school to school and they usually are chosen based on the available equipment or facilities. Some of the sports that kids play during intramural's can include basketball, baseball, softball, floor hockey, broomball, volleyball, ringette, lacrosse, touch football and badminton. As you can see, those are a lot of sports that help kids to achieve a very active and healthy lifestyle while still having fun. And if your kid asks you to take them shopping for an expensive headband so they can emulate their sports hero, just remember that it's for the good of the game.

One of the most important aspects of sports that kids learn at a very early age and that is taught through intramural sports is teamwork. One of the biggest sports cliche's going is when any coach says that there is no 'I' in team. And even though it's said way too often during sports broadcasts, it's the truth, and there's a reason why it's used to motivate teamwork and eliminate selfish play. Even though kids play intramural sports because they're fun, they learn many life lessons along the way, such as not being selfish, asking for help when needed, and never giving up. These can be useful later in life, from dealing with their own children to working with coworkers.

Even though the Senators don't have their scout team on hand to watch these kids play, it doesn't stop the kids from trying their hardest and playing their hearts out as if they are being recruited for the NHL. Sports, no matter the level, brings out the competitiveness in people, young or old, and makes even the shyest kid feel like the most confident person on the basketball court as long as they have that ball in their hands. So, the next time your kid comes home with the biggest smile on their face and they tell you it's because they won a meaningless intramural game, don't shrug it off as unimportant, but encourage them and congratulate them on a job well done.

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